About our team
We are a brunch of dedicated people who are continuously developing information on dating, relationships, and other niches. We collect information from the internet and try to understand which products and information are badly needed for common people, and through our research and tests, we help them by providing information.
We also have some other writers working outside of our office space who help us develop our content and product testing.
Our primary goal is not just to show the top 10 best products but also all the information on that category. We promised to provide every single piece of information in detail and you can completely rely on it, though we can not guarantee you any of our reviewed products.
Each of our reviewed products is 100% tested by a team of experts and you can completely trust our information. And yes we have affiliate links on our website but we promised to provide an unbiased review.
Few words from the webmaster:
Hi, I’m Tom from FL, USA. I’m working as a tech blogger since 2015 and still working. I manage this website as my primary job and I’m truly dedicated to it. No matter how hard is to be unbiased, I promised to keep myself and my website out of any dishonest things and matters.
Besides this, I am a full-stack web developer, content creator, SEO expert, and online marketer.
Back in 2020, on 6th March, I was searching for some information on the internet on “best online dating sites” and I found a bunch of information on dating. The articles were very long and it just optimized for google and other search engines. I had a lot of problems finding what was needed.
So, I came up with an idea for this website where information will be properly arranged for a quick scan and common people also can understand it.
316 Linden Avenue, Orlando, Florida – 32801